Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Treatment for Excess Sweating

Excess Sweating Causes and  Treatment
Excessive Sweating  is also known as Hyperhidrosis which occurs due to abnormal increase in perspiration or due to cronic disorder. It is one of the condition that makes the people embarrassed in most of the situatuions, when it comes for business people since they spend lots of time with their clients. There are two kinds of sweating in which the Normal sweating helps in the thermal regulation of the body and other is excess sweating which occurs due to some cronic disorders. Excess Sweating may harm people in many ways, it increases complex within a person and it even makes to loss faith in self.
Excess Sweating can be found all over or in certain areas of the body such as Armpits, Back, feets, hands, scalp, face, under the breast, etc. Excess Sweating will also occur due to Physical work, Heat and Emotions but there are some people who get hyperhidrosis even they live in moderate climate or do no heavy physical works, this is due to some metabollic  changes in the body. Some of the dermatology consultants may say, excess sweating is a hereditary disorder but there is no exact cause for excess sweating.  There are many treatments that gives both temporary and permanent solution for this excess sweating. Botox (Botulinum Toxin) Injection is much popular for cosmetic treatment can also be used for hyperhidrosis, which can last only for 6 months. This method is one of the temporary solution provider and there is also surgery that gives permanent solution. In this hyperhidrosis surgery the nervous system that controls sweating is destroyed by means of endoscopic method, it’s an effective treatment but complicated at times.
Depending on the severity, Hyperhidrosis condition is treated. If a person feels excess of sweating than the normal one, it is suggested to visit nearby consultant dermatology to take the right treatment. Some of the common treatments that are suggested by the dermatologist are Antiperspirants, Oral Medication, Botox Injection, Iontophoresis, etc. These treatments will give an effective solution for excess sweating. And I suggest www.myskindesign.co.uk and www.midlandskin.co.uk is the right place to get all kinds of treatments and consultations for skin care problems.  They also provide treatments for Itchy Skin, Hair Loss treatments, Acne treatment, Hair transplant, Mole checks, Minor skin surgery, Mohs micrographic surgery, etc.  Hence find the effective treatment for excess sweating and make yourself confident.

1 comment:

Clinique Esthetique said...

You have shared a great information about Non Surgical Nose Reshaping and Botox For Hyperhidrosis. Which are very informative for us.Thanks